Monday, February 17, 2014

The Fifth Element (Eric Serra)

This one's a classic. What a great movie The Fifth Element was. Nobody had time for any useless backstory or trade federation problems. The Mangalores were dicks and that's all you needed to know. Also, my personal favourite version of Gary Oldman.

The score by Eric Serra is pretty varied. (Not to mention awesome.) There's mysterious orchestral sci-fi, reggae, bit of 80s, opera, surprisingly relaxing ambience, and even a crazy audio clip with Chris Tucker.

Sounds like they really just had a lot of fun making this album, and you can sense that in almost every song. The Diva Dance is something you don't hear very often. Plus my favorite: Timecrash!

There are so many different tracks, I can't even post them all here, but if you like these, there's more where that came from! It's fun to listen to, good for a variety of situations, and quite unusual for a film score compared to the stuff nowadays.

People just don't make music like this anymore. Neither do they seem to make movies like this anymore. I would much prefer original concepts over this sequel-ocalypse/reboot-ageddon. BUT MAYBE THAT'S JUST ME.

Score Rating: ****
Great original soundtrack. Watch the movie if you haven't!

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