Friday, February 14, 2014

It Begins With Game of Thrones

Hello there!

Seems like everybody and their dogs and mums have blogs now, and you wonder how anyone will ever see or care about stuff you write on a page in the dark recesses of the internet.

Still, I've been told to write a blog, and I care about movie and video game music. So this is it!

Lets start off with one I've been rather enthusiastic about the past few days, and that is:

Game of Thrones!

I just recently finished season 3 (Bit late, I know) and apart from having my heart wrenched out by that wedding, I seriously dig some of the songs in the soundtrack! 

My favorite scene in season 3 has got to be Daenerys Targaryen's epic "Dracarys" scene where she rallies her army and her dragons go nuts. 

With some fierce shots and that sinister music! Filmed from low angle tracking shots with spears or fire behind her, Daenerys is a complete badass.

After something so dark, she then goes on to free a bunch of slaves and becomes their "Mother" savior, to this track!

The Game of Thrones OST is always kind of fun because it's slightly less elaborate than massive Hollywood blockbuster scores, but still just as fun to listen to. Especially when you're on the train or doing things.

Score Rating: ****


Have a listen! Or better yet, watch the show!

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