Saturday, February 15, 2014

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Michael McCann)

The game's been out for a while but I still find myself coming back to this amazing soundtrack. 

Michael McCann, you are a genius.

If the actual album wasn't cool enough, there are hundreds of fantastic tracks hidden in the game files. If you're ever going out on an extended walk through the city, then you need this on your ipod. This is one of my favourite ambient tracks:

 The score matches the game perfectly. A whole world is created just through the audio, taking you through grimy streets, Asian brothels, cyberpunk corporate America, and beyond. If you haven't played the game yet, then you simply must. If only for research purposes. 


Score Rating: *****


If you like sci-fi, then you'll love this album, and if you're able, find somewhere to get the whole collection of music from the game. Every single track is pretty damn good.

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